Seed Stage

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Why Founders Need to Design Experiments

Designing Seed Stage Experiments The most successful entrepreneurs are passionate learners; they seek to acquire in-depth knowledge about their business as quickly as possible on


Evaluating Seed-Stage Startups

A Rubric for Evaluating Seed-Stage Investments 2.5 This is an updated version of our much-read original investment rubric. Read our quick FAQs about the Ulu

Fireworks in night sky

Ulu in Action – August 2022

New team members join Ulu, Miriam rocked it on Bloomberg Tech, we made two new investments and Ulupreneurs raised more than $16M! We are excited

Person holding the sun

Ulu in Action – July 2022

No lazy days of summer for Ulupreneurs, who raised more than $37M in July and continue to make headlines! Ulu made five new investments.  Latino

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